Metal-free Crowns

Trusted Metal-Free Crowns in Atlanta, GA
When a larger part of the tooth is damaged from decay, fractures, or cracks; a crown or cap may be recommended. Sometimes, people have complained that older crowns may become unsightly due to exposure of the metal under a crown. Fortunately, with new technology, techniques, and newer materials, it is now quite easy to create beautiful metal-free crowns that last just as long as the older materials, but also drastically improved esthetics because metal is no longer used.
Are you looking for metal-free crowns in Atlanta, GA? Look no further than Benson Dental Group! Our office, located at 800 Mount Vernon Hwy. NE Suite #405, offers quality dental care with a focus on patient comfort and satisfaction. With our state-of-the-art technology and experienced team, we can provide you with durable and aesthetic metal-free crowns that blend seamlessly with your natural teeth. Book an appointment with us today and discover why Benson Dental Group is the top choice for dental care in Atlanta.
All ceramic (porcelain) crowns
have been used for many years in the front of the mouth for obvious esthetic concerns. Under the craftsmanship of our technicians all ceramic crowns can be fabricated with incredible realism of natural teeth (i.e. shade variation and translucency). Additionally, these crowns are often bonded to teeth for exceptional strength.
In recent years; however, materials have improved to allow metal-free crowns to be placed on back teeth with increased long term predictability.